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West Mifflin Fire Hall #3, 3722 Rodeo Drive, West Mifflin, PA 15122
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WE’RE MOVING! We are thrilled to announce that starting Sunday, December 1st, we will be worshiping in our new home at 6151 Brush Run Road, Bethel Park. This new space is truly a blessing, and we invite you to come and be a part of it!

Feb 18, 2024
God, Government, and You (Part 2)
In a society where immoral people are in power, it is expected to see partiality, corruption, deceitfulness, and abuse of authority.  Unlawful laws not in line with God's law may be passed and enforced.  This can lead to chaos, disorder, and lawlessness.  As individuals, we cannot reject or detach from the government.  However, we can strive to be the most respectful, honest, and obedient citizens possible as far as we are able.  We should encourage our government officials to act with integrity, justice, and righteousness and hold them accountable when they fail to do so.  We should also remember that God establishes governments and will ultimately be held accountable to Him.  Even though we may need to obey God rather than man in certain situations, we can still show honor, respect, and obedience to lawful laws.
Scripture: Daniel 6:1-15, Romans 13:1-4
  • Feb 18, 2024God, Government, and You (Part 2)
    Feb 18, 2024
    God, Government, and You (Part 2)
    In a society where immoral people are in power, it is expected to see partiality, corruption, deceitfulness, and abuse of authority.  Unlawful laws not in line with God's law may be passed and enforced.  This can lead to chaos, disorder, and lawlessness.  As individuals, we cannot reject or detach from the government.  However, we can strive to be the most respectful, honest, and obedient citizens possible as far as we are able.  We should encourage our government officials to act with integrity, justice, and righteousness and hold them accountable when they fail to do so.  We should also remember that God establishes governments and will ultimately be held accountable to Him.  Even though we may need to obey God rather than man in certain situations, we can still show honor, respect, and obedience to lawful laws.
    Scripture: Daniel 6:1-15, Romans 13:1-4
  • Feb 11, 2024God, Government, and You
    Feb 11, 2024
    God, Government, and You
    God has established three social institutions - the family, the church, and the government.  As followers of God, we are responsible for shaping these institutions according to His design.  If we overlook the importance of these institutions, we risk the unraveling of our society, leading to a family lacking definition, an ineffective church, and a government lacking justice and accountability.  Those in positions of power must fear God, for without this fear, right and wrong can become distorted, and true justice will be lost.  As Christians, we cannot remain idle spectators,  
    Scripture: Deuteronomy 17:14-21, Romans 13:1-7
  • Feb 4, 2024As Far As It Depends On You
    Feb 4, 2024
    As Far As It Depends On You
    As Christians, we can expect pushback and even hostility from the world, so how do we deal with people who don't like us, or more accurately, who we represent very much? We're not "fight fire with fire" or repay evil for evil, even when we're right, for this is where we fall into sin ourselves, but instead, we should seek to bless them, for we have that they need. Pray for them, preach the gospel, be patient, and love them with the love of Christ, even when they don't see it that way.
    We are to live peaceably with all insofar as it depends on us. This does not mean that we ignore sin or compromise our beliefs, but it does mean that we acknowledge problems, deal with them biblically, and speak with softness and humility.
    Scripture: Isaiah 65:1-7, Romans 12:14, 17-21
  • Jan 31, 2024Attributes of God Study: Week 15
    Jan 31, 2024
    Attributes of God Study: Week 15
  • Jan 28, 2024Harmony Not Haughtiness
    Jan 28, 2024
    Harmony Not Haughtiness
    In this passage, three characteristics are outlined that all flow from having a humble spirit. We are to live in harmony with other Christians, being of one mind with scripture anchoring our worldview. This means we are patient and have a charitable spirit with one another.  Harmony doesn't simply mean peace, where cheap grace is given with no repentance or obedience required, but instead means to stand for the truth of scripture in love.
    We must be humble toward others, not look down on them, have little patience, or take advantage of weaknesses. Who we are, and the gifts/talents that we have don't come from something within our flesh but are given to us by God.
    Lastly, we are not to be wise in our own eyes. Our attitude should not be one of promoting or exalting ourselves or living a life based simply on how we feel, which is commonplace in the world. For the Christian, our wisdom comes from the Lord and his Word, and we ought to be fair in assessing our gifts, talents, and abilities as we seek to serve the Lord.
    Scripture: Proverbs 3:1-8, 13-18, Romans 12:9-16
  • Jan 24, 2024Attributes of God Study: Week 14
    Jan 24, 2024
    Attributes of God Study: Week 14
  • Jan 21, 2024God’s Mindfulness of Man
    Jan 21, 2024
    God’s Mindfulness of Man
    Series: (All)
    Scripture: Psalm 8:1-9
  • Jan 21, 2024Contented and Compassionate
    Jan 21, 2024
    Contented and Compassionate
    Our call to contentedness means we genuinely share in each other's joy without looking at ourselves and our wants or needs.  In Christ, we have all that we need, even if all else were to be withheld or taken away, and when we get to a place where we are unable and unwilling to rejoice with others' successes, gifts, or joys, that we also desire, we are ultimately saying that God is not enough.  We are also called to have compassion for others and avoid the dangers of losing patience or being resentful insofar as we do not cross the line of indulging sinful behavior.  The implications of our attitudes toward contentedness and compassion say much about where we are in our walk with Christ, and we must soberly and honestly reflect on where we may fall short.  
    Scripture: Job 2, Romans 12:15
  • Jan 17, 2024Attributes of God Study: Week 13
    Jan 17, 2024
    Attributes of God Study: Week 13
  • Jan 14, 2024A Motto, Our Attitude
    Jan 14, 2024
    A Motto, Our Attitude
    Our attitude and actions as believers should and will look different than the world or those who merely profess to believe in Christ. We rejoice always and in all circumstances, because we know the sure and steady hope that awaits us in Christ. We are constantly praying, not simply to get us out of a situation or for something we want, but to give thanks, praise, and intercession, all according to His will. Our attitude ought to be one of sharing, generosity, and hospitality. To unbelievers, all of these characteristics are arbitrary. To those who merely profess to know Christ, these demands are too much, but for true believers, these are our expectations because he transforms us and is accomplished not as we try harder on our own but as we yield to Jesus Christ, who is our model.  
    Scripture: Psalm 13, Romans 12:9-13