Jan 21, 2024
Contented and Compassionate
Series: The Book of Romans
Our call to contentedness means we genuinely share in each other's joy without looking at ourselves and our wants or needs. In Christ, we have all that we need, even if all else were to be withheld or taken away, and when we get to a place where we are unable and unwilling to rejoice with others' successes, gifts, or joys, that we also desire, we are ultimately saying that God is not enough. We are also called to have compassion for others and avoid the dangers of losing patience or being resentful insofar as we do not cross the line of indulging sinful behavior. The implications of our attitudes toward contentedness and compassion say much about where we are in our walk with Christ, and we must soberly and honestly reflect on where we may fall short.
Scripture: Job 2, Romans 12:15
- Jan 21, 2024Contented and Compassionate
Jan 21, 2024Contented and CompassionateSeries: The Book of RomansOur call to contentedness means we genuinely share in each other's joy without looking at ourselves and our wants or needs. In Christ, we have all that we need, even if all else were to be withheld or taken away, and when we get to a place where we are unable and unwilling to rejoice with others' successes, gifts, or joys, that we also desire, we are ultimately saying that God is not enough. We are also called to have compassion for others and avoid the dangers of losing patience or being resentful insofar as we do not cross the line of indulging sinful behavior. The implications of our attitudes toward contentedness and compassion say much about where we are in our walk with Christ, and we must soberly and honestly reflect on where we may fall short.Scripture: Job 2, Romans 12:15
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- Jan 14, 2024A Motto, Our Attitude
Jan 14, 2024A Motto, Our AttitudeSeries: The Book of RomansOur attitude and actions as believers should and will look different than the world or those who merely profess to believe in Christ. We rejoice always and in all circumstances, because we know the sure and steady hope that awaits us in Christ. We are constantly praying, not simply to get us out of a situation or for something we want, but to give thanks, praise, and intercession, all according to His will. Our attitude ought to be one of sharing, generosity, and hospitality. To unbelievers, all of these characteristics are arbitrary. To those who merely profess to know Christ, these demands are too much, but for true believers, these are our expectations because he transforms us and is accomplished not as we try harder on our own but as we yield to Jesus Christ, who is our model.Scripture: Psalm 13, Romans 12:9-13
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- Jan 7, 2024Essentials, Not Add-Ons
Jan 7, 2024Essentials, Not Add-OnsSeries: The Book of RomansThe characteristics of Christians set them apart from unbelievers and show they belong to the Lord. They are essential to the faith, not to show that we're Christian, but because we're Christian. We ought to have genuine love, hate for what is evil, love for what is good, show honor to one another as believers, and be zealous for things of God. The example has been laid out for us in Christ, and we are to walk in a manner worthy of our calling.Scripture: Ezekiel 33:1-9, Romans 12:9-13
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Dec 31, 2023Forward In FaithBy: Aaron PrattSeries: (All)In his letter to the Philippians, Paul sets the tone of chapter 3 by reminding believers to rejoice in the Lord always. With that in mind, he cautions to beware of false teachers, or reliance on yourself and your works. Moving forward in faith may cost you, and we need to be willing to suffer loss for the sake of Christ. We are to follow Christ's example, not return evil for evil, be reminded of the joy of knowing Christ, and keep our eye on the prize of an eternity spent in the presence of God, living this life each day.Scripture: Philippians 3:1-21
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Dec 24, 2023Born Unto YouSeries: The Birth of ChristThe birth of Jesus Christ is the most significant of all time because of who he is and what he would do for his people. The good news the angel of the Lord brought was the greatest news ever given because it brings about peace forever, and the joy this brings stands above our temporal circumstances. It never fades, wavers, or changes.Scripture: Psalm 4, Luke 2:8-14
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