Jul 28, 2024
Revive Us, O God
By: Aaron Pratt
Series: (All)
Despite their sinful ways, God's mercy has brought prosperity back to Israel. He has forgiven their sins and offenses, showing mercy instead of delivering deserved punishment. We should never underestimate God's wrath, and we should all strive to avoid facing it. In the past, God has shown mercy by withholding His just judgments.
Today, the world is in great need of a spiritual awakening, and it is time for the church to be alert and seek the Lord for revival. We need to acknowledge and turn away from our sins and our involvement with the world's wickedness. We should pray for God to rouse His people and seek revival for the world, for our leaders, pastors, elders, congregation, and other churches. We must wait patiently for the Lord's response, for He will answer.
Scripture: Psalm 85
- Jul 28, 2024Revive Us, O God
Jul 28, 2024Revive Us, O GodBy: Aaron PrattSeries: (All)Despite their sinful ways, God's mercy has brought prosperity back to Israel. He has forgiven their sins and offenses, showing mercy instead of delivering deserved punishment. We should never underestimate God's wrath, and we should all strive to avoid facing it. In the past, God has shown mercy by withholding His just judgments.Today, the world is in great need of a spiritual awakening, and it is time for the church to be alert and seek the Lord for revival. We need to acknowledge and turn away from our sins and our involvement with the world's wickedness. We should pray for God to rouse His people and seek revival for the world, for our leaders, pastors, elders, congregation, and other churches. We must wait patiently for the Lord's response, for He will answer.Scripture: Psalm 85
- Jul 21, 2024Prepared To Suffer
Jul 21, 2024Prepared To SufferBy: Aaron PrattSeries: (All)Believers should expect to face persecution for the sake of Christ. We must be prepared to endure suffering and remain steadfast in our faith. Our trials are meant to strengthen us and bring glory to Christ. Nonbelievers, on the other hand, face suffering without the hope and support that believers have. We should take comfort in knowing that our suffering is temporary and that we can find strength in Christ during difficult times.Scripture: 1 Peter 4:12-19
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- Dec 31, 2023Forward In Faith
Dec 31, 2023Forward In FaithBy: Aaron PrattSeries: (All)In his letter to the Philippians, Paul sets the tone of chapter 3 by reminding believers to rejoice in the Lord always. With that in mind, he cautions to beware of false teachers, or reliance on yourself and your works. Moving forward in faith may cost you, and we need to be willing to suffer loss for the sake of Christ. We are to follow Christ's example, not return evil for evil, be reminded of the joy of knowing Christ, and keep our eye on the prize of an eternity spent in the presence of God, living this life each day.Scripture: Philippians 3:1-21
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- Dec 17, 2023Walk In The Light
Dec 17, 2023Walk In The LightBy: Aaron PrattSeries: (All)To walk in the light of Christ is to have fellowship with other believers, with God, and Christ, which brings about a zeal for Christ that cannot be contained. It produces joy in the life of believers and shows a continued progression toward holiness. It first requires us to be cleansed from sin, practice the truth and aim for holiness, have fellowship with other believers, and realize the value of the cleansing blood of Christ. It means confessing our sins to the one who can and does forgive but does not dishonor the Lord by excusing sin or using God's forgiveness as a license.Scripture: 1 John 1:1-2:6
- Nov 27, 2023Legalism vs Holiness
Nov 27, 2023Legalism vs HolinessBy: Luke GriffoSeries: (All)Just as in Colossae, those who tend toward legalism are characterized by focusing on works, adding to the law being concerned with external appearances, and imposing those same things on others. It often leads to despair and frustration and is not a result of what Christ has done in us but trying to add to what he’s already done. The other temptation is to minimize the law and obedience to it, which also must be avoided. We ought to be concerned with holiness, which is always concerned with how God sees us rather than others and is a matter of the heart. It’s about applying the law of God to all of life, where there are no loopholes or corners to be cut. Though it doesn’t preclude a strong confrontation of sin since we are to be concerned with the holiness of God, it’s ready to give others the benefit of the doubt and is quick to forgive repentant hearts as Christ forgave us.Scripture: Psalm 119:97-104, Colossians 2:16-3:17
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Oct 15, 2023The Blessed King EternalBy: Aaron PrattSeries: (All)The language of Psalm 72 is fit for an eternal king. While King Solomon's reign produced blessings for those under his rule, his short reign as king was only a foretaste of the eternal blessing bestowed upon the servants of Christ's eternal kingdom. Christ is the king who reigns eternal, and his blessing extends to all ends of his kingdom and will not end.Scripture: Psalm 72
- Sep 18, 2023Law, Kingdom, and Mercy
Sep 18, 2023Law, Kingdom, and MercyBy: Luke GriffoSeries: (All)The Psalms, primarily when understood as a whole, organized collection, lay out major themes of Scripture. They especially highlight the ultimate hope of god's people--the establishment of His law and the vindication of His kingdom, accomplished through His mercy throughout history.Scripture: Psalms 1-3