Each year, RCSH holds seminars to strengthen, educate, and equip those in our community.
Click the links below to watch past events:

The Beauty of the Law: Oh How I Love Your Law…
We will explore the law, its purpose and how it applies to our lives today.

What Will You Say? An Introduction To Apologetics
What do you believe and why do you believe it? Can you defend the truth claims of Christianity?

Whatever Happened To Marriage?
Recovering A Biblical Institution
What is marriage? What is the purpose and how do I make it work? How can I prepare myself?

Christianity 101
What is Christianity? What do Christians believe?
Whether you’re a new believer, further along on your path, or just have questions, this seminar will give you a basic, yet firm understanding by exploring the basic teachings of the Christian faith.

Life Is Best: Equipping Christians To Confront Abortion
Abortion is a blessing? Sacred? A family value? That’s what a new billboard campaign in Cleveland calls it. How will you answer?

500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation: History & Implications For The Church
What events led to the Reformation? What were the main issues at the heart of the Reformation? How did it change the course of history?

Abortion: The Forgotten Sin
A preliminary seminar that laid out the problem of this often forgotten subject and its effects on those around us