Redeemer Church of South Hills




Sundays 10:00 a.m.


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Joe Griffo
“My hope is to faithfully preach, teach, equip, and lead as many people as possible to know, to love, and to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, and all those within their sphere of influence. My intention is to feed the desire to grow in the faith, and to encourage Christians to live their entire lives before the face of God.”


Thanks for stopping by.  We’re glad you’re here and hope to see you at one of our Sunday worship services.  Our church isn’t simply something we attend or do.  We aren’t simply an event or something that we show up to on Sunday.  We are a people, the body of Christ, sinners saved by grace.  That’s right.  Our church is full of imperfect people, and that should make you feel all the more welcome.  We all fall short of God’s glory and are in need of a Savior—Jesus Christ.
The most important growth to us is that which comes through the knowledge and grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, without whom we would have nothing. While the Lord has been pleased to allow our congregation to grow, we are relatively small and are able to enjoy close relationships and fellowship with one another and have a Leadership Team who is able to dedicate more time to every family.
Redeemer Church of South Hills is committed to its mission: Our mission is to be a Christ-centered, God-glorifying community of believers. We purpose to glorify God through the faithful proclamation of the gospel with a view towards biblical conversion and comprehensive discipleship, and to edify and encourage the people of God.
We invite you to come see what we are all about and to join us in this mission.
Current Sermon Series

His Kingdom Is Everlasting

After judging his people with exile to Babylon, God raised up the prophet Daniel who prophesied both to the conquering empire and to future generations of God’s people that it is only God’s kingdom which cannot be destroyed.

What Should I Expect?
We know that coming to a new church for the first time can often be intimidating. We won’t ask you to raise your hand as a first-time guest, make you wear a name tag, or have you fill out any paperwork. We would be happy to have you join us for a service so a warm hello from a person or two in our congregation is likely.


We are currently worshipping at the West Mifflin Firehall #3 in West Mifflin while we continue our search for a more permanent location. Upon arrival to the hall, the entrance is located on the right side of the building. 


Nothing extravagant. Expect a straightforward, God-glorifying service—praise, prayer, and biblical preaching. Each service lasts approximately 75 minutes.



We believe in the importance of families worshiping together and have kid’s bulletins provided each week for children of all ages. For preschool aged children (3-5), we hold Children’s church on the first Sunday of each month during the sermon. For additional family study, our children’s packs are available with great resources that we’ve put together to help you and your family grow in Christ.


When entering from Lebanon Church Road, turn onto Rodeo Drive and proceed down the parking lot next to building.  Enter through the side glass doors. 


We care more about you than what you look like so you’re invited to come as you are, whether it’s a suit & tie or shorts you feel most comfortable wearing. Our congregation tends to dress pretty casual.


Our services begin at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday so come a few minutes early and spend some time in fellowship or preparing your heart for worship. A few minutes late? No problem. Our room is set up where you can discreetly enter and grab any available seat.