Mar 22, 2020
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Continuing our series through the Gospel of John
- Mar 22, 2020Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Mar 22, 2020Let Not Your Heart Be TroubledContinuing our series through the Gospel of John
- Mar 15, 2020Corona, Corona, Corona
Mar 15, 2020Corona, Corona, CoronaSeries: (All)Amidst all the panic over the corona outbreak, we as Christians need to have a balanced biblical response. While we recognize the concern and exercise precaution, we cannot be given over to panic or fear because we have an unchanging hope in Christ, His finished work, and our standing with God. It is in this time that we need to love our neighbors, show great care for others, and offer the only hope for all people, which is the gospel.
- Mar 8, 2020Shocking, Sad, But True
Mar 8, 2020Shocking, Sad, But True
- Mar 1, 2020Convenient Christianity
Mar 1, 2020Convenient ChristianityJohn 13:12-16, 15:18-20
- Feb 23, 2020You Shall Never Wash My Feet
Feb 23, 2020You Shall Never Wash My FeetJohn 13:1-7
- Feb 16, 2020Who Has Believed?
Feb 16, 2020Who Has Believed?The indictment by Jesus at the end of His public ministry is that God has granted more than enough light, and people do not believe. The rejection of God the Son shows how deeply sin runs, how dead man is in sin, and his unable we are of changing our nature. Yet, by His grace, God frees His people from sin by penetrating their hearts with the gospel, transforming us to a renewed life in Christ.
- Feb 9, 2020For This Purpose I Have Come
Feb 9, 2020For This Purpose I Have ComeAs Jesus came to the end of His public ministry, all things written about Him in the Old Testament were coming to a climax. The cross opens up the way of everlasting life to all people, the good news proclaimed everywhere. We hear the call only by His grace, understanding our sinfulness, repenting, and trusting in the Son who died and rose again.
- Feb 2, 2020Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Feb 2, 2020Fearfully and Wonderfully MadeSeries: In Defense of LifeScripture teaches, conscience testifies, and science confirms that pre-born life is human life. In every case, abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent human being. This is the battle that this generation has been called to, and we must bring forth the light of the gospel into this dark wickedness to expose it, and call for repentance.
- Jan 26, 2020Image
Jan 26, 2020ImageSeries: In Defense of LifeIn our day, abortion is presented as a good, positive thing, a fundamental human right. There is a reversal of God’s law and overt rebellion against it. As Christians, we recognize the value of all human life, including the pre-born, and when we see that God’s greatest and highest creation is under attack, we must stand up and fight.
- Jan 19, 2020Hard Realities, Glorious Promises
Jan 19, 2020Hard Realities, Glorious PromisesJesus never tells us simply what we want to hear, but He plainly teaches the difficult realities of the Christian life. As His people, we are called to be willing to die to ourselves and our sin, humbling ourselves, and loyally following Christ, wherever He leads. However, we are promised the fruits of following Him, His righteousness shone in us, and even sharing His inheritance of the nations.