Join us for Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.
West Mifflin Fire Hall #3, 3722 Rodeo Drive, West Mifflin, PA 15122
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WE’RE MOVING! We are thrilled to announce that starting Sunday, December 1st, we will be worshiping in our new home at 6151 Brush Run Road, Bethel Park. This new space is truly a blessing, and we invite you to come and be a part of it!

Where Do We Go From Here? Trump, Arizona, and the Future of Abortion In America

With the gift of clarity coming to us in greater and greater abundance, the question facing those who earnestly desire to see child sacrifice eradicated has primarily become, what now?

Never Make the Same Mistake Twice: Faithfulness in the Fight Against Transgenderism

Christians would be wise to examine the foundational failures of the Christian response to abortion over the past fifty years and seek to avoid these same mistakes in the fight against transgenderism. If we wish to prevent Bostock from becoming the next Roe, if we desire to spare future generations of the perverse tragedy of transgender ideology, then Christians must not repeat the manifold errors made in the abortion battle.

No Excuses

Now is decidedly not the time to press on with incremental bills that chip away at abortion around the edges. It is time for the ax to be laid at the root of the tree.