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Are We Not On The Same Team? Why Christians Disagree On How To Fight Abortion

As Christians, we ought to be able to discuss, debate, reason, mutually submit to the word of God, and ultimately unite around divine revelation in collective action, yet far too often, these debates go nowhere.

Reforming Our Political Calculus

Christians must think differently about politics than the secular world does. While we certainly must apply wisdom and pursue a shrewd strategy, our overriding principles must be integrity, justice, and above all, faith that God is consistently working for His glory and the ultimate good of His people.


Never Make the Same Mistake Twice: Faithfulness in the Fight Against Transgenderism

Christians would be wise to examine the foundational failures of the Christian response to abortion over the past fifty years and seek to avoid these same mistakes in the fight against transgenderism. If we wish to prevent Bostock from becoming the next Roe, if we desire to spare future generations of the perverse tragedy of transgender ideology, then Christians must not repeat the manifold errors made in the abortion battle.

“Big Pro-Life” Is A Big Problem

Something that must be understood, and which is made quite clear in the letter, is that one’s worldview will determine not only how abortion is fought but also the end to which it is fought.

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Pro-Life Ministry Update: January 2021

The Pro-Life Ministry at Redeemer Church of South Hills is an important component of our church.  Each month, the ministry will provide an update on all of the work that is being done with the goal of ending the murder of innocent babies. 

Abortion Legislation: A Contrast of Good vs. Evil

What is staring us in the face is the complete reversal of good and evil. Think about it: protecting the lives of babies is slandered as being archaic and evil—while killing babies is good. Killing babies is good. That is exactly what the culture is screaming, loudly and clearly, for all to hear.

The God of Life, The Culture of Death

The overtly God-hating society in which we live will go to extraordinarily great lengths to rid itself of any mark of God’s Image. Whether it be through distorting justice, perverting sex, or renouncing gender, sinful man is constantly seeking to remove its Creator’s fingerprints. And so it should not surprise us at all that the hallmark of God’s Image in women—childbearing—falls under attack, and that in their rebellion, women begin to loathe that to which God called them.