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America The Violent

What the events of last Saturday remind us of, and what the official narrative misses entirely, is that America is indeed a nation that tolerates, encourages, and celebrates violence. It is for this reason more than any that the shots fired were ultimately unsurprising, and it is why the incessant pearl-clutching of the elite rings so hollow.

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Where Do We Go From Here? Trump, Arizona, and the Future of Abortion In America

With the gift of clarity coming to us in greater and greater abundance, the question facing those who earnestly desire to see child sacrifice eradicated has primarily become, what now?

Reforming Our Political Calculus

Christians must think differently about politics than the secular world does. While we certainly must apply wisdom and pursue a shrewd strategy, our overriding principles must be integrity, justice, and above all, faith that God is consistently working for His glory and the ultimate good of His people.


No Excuses

Now is decidedly not the time to press on with incremental bills that chip away at abortion around the edges. It is time for the ax to be laid at the root of the tree.

The Leftist “Confession of Faith” – We Believe: No Human Being Is Illegal

Globalism is the goal. A world without borders, equal access to resources and opportunity, identical policy across the globe, unquestioned and unchallenged…This sounds so peaceful, so loving, so accepting; should not Christians desire this? But just beneath the surface, this is nothing but secular utopian idealism, which is directly opposed to the Christian worldview.

The Leftist “Confession of Faith” – We Believe: Black Lives Matter

What decent human being would claim that black lives do not matter? The well-documented issue with this, however, is that the simple and true statement “black lives matter” cannot be divorced from the radical Black Lives Matter organization and movement. This is the manipulative language game played by the left, which is the theme of their confession.