“The Word of God can be in the mind without being in the heart; but it cannot be in the heart without first being in the mind.” — R.C. Sproul
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Sep 15, 2024
This passage exemplifies God's sovereignty and ultimately points to Christ and his coming. Nebuchadnezzar had a troubling dream that he couldn't shake, demonstrating the unease that comes without God. Without comfort, he turned to cruelty, illustrating the potential for great wickedness without Christ. In contrast, Christians have the peace that surpasses all understanding, no matter the trouble, because of what awaits us. It is a reminder to stand firm and not back down in the face of heightened challenges, as we are called to be witnesses to a world in need. 
Scripture: Daniel 2:1-16
  • Sep 15, 2024Troubled
    Sep 15, 2024
    This passage exemplifies God's sovereignty and ultimately points to Christ and his coming. Nebuchadnezzar had a troubling dream that he couldn't shake, demonstrating the unease that comes without God. Without comfort, he turned to cruelty, illustrating the potential for great wickedness without Christ. In contrast, Christians have the peace that surpasses all understanding, no matter the trouble, because of what awaits us. It is a reminder to stand firm and not back down in the face of heightened challenges, as we are called to be witnesses to a world in need. 
    Scripture: Daniel 2:1-16
  • Sep 8, 2024God Vindicated Through His People
    Sep 8, 2024
    God Vindicated Through His People
    Scripture: Daniel 1:8-21
  • Sep 5, 2024Age of Imperial Christianity (AD 312 – 590)
    Sep 5, 2024
    Age of Imperial Christianity (AD 312 – 590)
    Bible Study - Week 2
  • Sep 1, 2024Act In Faith
    Sep 1, 2024
    Act In Faith
    Take a moment to reflect on the profound impact of God's unwavering presence in our lives. It's important to remember that He is always in control, and His enduring grace is continuously at work, guiding us through every challenge and triumph. Just as Daniel demonstrated unwavering faith in the face of adversity, we are called to navigate our modern world with similar steadfastness. Despite the trials they encountered, Daniel and his contemporaries remained resolute in their faith, steadfastly dedicated to honoring God. Their unwavering commitment to their beliefs, even in the midst of societal pressures, serves as a powerful example for us today. As we navigate the complexities of the world, let's hold firm to our faith and seek to glorify God in all that we do.
    Scripture: Daniel 1:1-16
  • Aug 29, 2024The Age of Catholic (Universal) Christianity (A.D. 70-312)
    Aug 29, 2024
    The Age of Catholic (Universal) Christianity (A.D. 70-312)
    The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail: An Overview of Church History Bible Study - Week 1
  • Aug 25, 2024Daniel – An Introduction
    Aug 25, 2024
    Daniel – An Introduction
    The Book of Daniel kicks off with a powerful and heartbreaking scene as Babylon conquers Jerusalem, making recent events in the Middle East pale in comparison. Once again, Israel turns away from God, setting the stage for his plan of restoration through his covenant with his people. Drawing parallels to our modern world, it's clear that today's society can be likened to ancient Israel. The message of "God is love," "he loves you as you are," and "love your neighbor" has been twisted to condone behaviors that are opposite to God's will. This is happening within the church, serving as a wake-up call for us all. The gospel has been diluted into cheap grace, failing to address our real need. We must acknowledge that there are consequences to our actions, whether through what we do or what we fail to do. Too often, we seek comfort from preachers who tell us what we want to hear rather than what we truly need to know. We can't take advantage of God's grace and presume upon it whenever we wish. Just like ancient Israel, we face the temptation of open rebellion against God, leading to our deserving of judgment.
    In today's world, we constantly witness the reversal of good and evil, blurring the lines of morality. How do we navigate this exile we find ourselves in? Despite it all, we see the unwavering sovereignty of God at work. His grace not only allows us to survive but also enables us to thrive. Moreover, we witness his sovereign hand in the grand scheme of redemption.
    Scripture: Daniel 1:1-8
  • Aug 18, 2024Corrective Discipline
    Aug 18, 2024
    Corrective Discipline
    Church discipline plays a pivotal role in maintaining purity, protection, and genuine concern within the Christian community. It involves admonishing and holding each other accountable. Elders intervene in cases of persistent unrepentant sin to guide individuals toward acknowledging, confessing, and repenting, and this process always aims for reconciliation and restoration. Corrective discipline, though uncomfortable, is an unwavering expression of love, safeguarding the well-being of both the individual and the church. It is the responsibility of the church to uphold this for the community's spiritual well-being and to prevent the acceptance of sin.
    Scripture: 2 Samuel 12:1-15
  • Aug 12, 2024The Sacraments
    Aug 12, 2024
    The Sacraments
    The Sacraments are deeply significant and profound elements of the Christian faith. Baptism serves as a symbolic representation of our initiation into the new covenant and serves as a visual portrayal of the inner working of the Holy Spirit, providing us with the assurance of salvation. Communion, on the other hand, offers a poignant portrayal of the profound sacrifice made by Christ on our behalf. It underscores the mercy and grace extended to us, despite our deserving judgment. It is a powerful source of spiritual strength and encouragement, reminding us of the future communion we will have with the Lord. The reverential treatment of these sacraments is crucial, and it is worth seeking and expecting this from our churches.
    Scripture: Exodus 12:2-12, Acts 2:42-27
  • Aug 4, 2024Devoted To Fellowship
    Aug 4, 2024
    Devoted To Fellowship
    The individuals within the community committed themselves wholeheartedly to the fellowship of believers, immersing themselves in the study of sound teachings and actively participating in the shared bond of unity in Christ. This fellowship created a supportive environment where members could care for and uplift one another. It is essential for us to willingly make ourselves available, actively participate in various church activities, and engage in the collective life of the church to strengthen our bond with one another.
    Scripture: Isaiah 60:1-6, Acts 2:42-26
  • Jul 28, 2024Revive Us, O God
    Jul 28, 2024
    Revive Us, O God
    Series: (All)
    Despite their sinful ways, God's mercy has brought prosperity back to Israel. He has forgiven their sins and offenses, showing mercy instead of delivering deserved punishment. We should never underestimate God's wrath, and we should all strive to avoid facing it. In the past, God has shown mercy by withholding His just judgments.
    Today, the world is in great need of a spiritual awakening, and it is time for the church to be alert and seek the Lord for revival. We need to acknowledge and turn away from our sins and our involvement with the world's wickedness. We should pray for God to rouse His people and seek revival for the world, for our leaders, pastors, elders, congregation, and other churches. We must wait patiently for the Lord's response, for He will answer.
    Scripture: Psalm 85

His Kingdom Is Everlasting (Current Series)

After judging his people with exile to Babylon, God raised up the prophet Daniel who prophesied both to the conquering empire and to future generations of God’s people that it is only God’s kingdom which cannot be destroyed.

Child Sacrifice & The Judgment of God

Child sacrifice has been a reality throughout human history, and the Bible is by no means silent on the subject. This short series explores God’s strong condemnation of this abominable practice, the consequences that inevitably follow, and the deep relevance of all of this in our own day as we confront the ongoing abortion holocaut.

The Book of Romans: Foundations of Faith

The book of Romans provides a careful exposition of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This series highlights how this New Testament letter has been used by God to bring conversion and awakening to His people throughout church history.

Living Under Judgment

“America is a nation of pride.” This proclamation is all too true. Our nation is one of arrogant rebellion against God and is suffering the consequences of sin. As Christians who have been accustomed to a culture generally Christianized in its worldview, we are waking up to the reality that a new public religion has taken hold, and we must now learn to live faithfully under God’s hand of judgment. 

The Message of Malachi

The prophet is sent to a people whose love towards God has grown cold, cynical, and apathetic. Through a series of confrontations, Malachi seeks to demonstrate how far they have drifted, and this timely message is just as relevant today as it was then.

Fight The Good Fight Of Faith: Exhortations from the Pastoral Epistles

The pastoral epistles outlined in this series teach us and give us practical insight as to how we are to deal with the many false teachings and bad ideologies that confront us from the culture as well as the church.

These Are Written So That You May Believe

This expository series goes through the Gospel of John and focuses on the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Load and Savior.

The Beatitudes: What It Means To Be A Follower of Christ

This series through the first part of Matthew Chapter 5 explores The Beatitudes, their meaning, and their implications for living life as a Christian in this world. 

Seven Churches, One People of Christ

The churches addressed in the book of Revelation show us how deeply we must depend on Christ so as to remain faithful, for there are many trials and temptations that can easily lead us astray. 

Prepared: Stand Firm In Christ

A mini series of sermons through the Psalms meant to equip Christians for the unique, yet not unprecedented, times that were living in.

Corona, Corona, Corona!

This short series takes a look at the COVID-19 pandemic, the range of reaction that this causes, and our response as Christians.

Faithful: Living As A Christian In A Godless World

This series took a look at what it looks like as a Christian in the world of ever increasing hostility that we live in.

Creation Ordinances: The Biblical Foundations For Life

This series focuses on the directives given by God and found in the Creation account, meant for our good and His glory. 
Meaning Apart From God

The Pursuit: Meaning Apart From God?

An expository series through the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, which points to the utter futility of this life apart from God. Regardless of any accomplishments we may attain, apart from saving knowledge of Christ, there is no true meaning.

Life & Death

Living To Die: Life Reigns!

A series of sermons meant to encourage Christians to live this life for Christ, while at the same time, recognizing that our true home is in Heaven with the Lord. Therefore, the Christian need not fear death in any way.

Spiritual Gifts

Gifted: Use Your Spiritual Gifts

God has gifted every Christian uniquely, and it is our responsibility to use those gifts to the glory of God and the building up of the Church.

Washed Clean

Baptism: Raised To Life

What is the significance of Baptism in the life of the believer? A look at the sacrament of Baptism, its institution and implications.


Built Up In Christ

Colossians: Built Up In Christ

An expository series through the book of Colossians, which exalts the doctrine of Christ’s supremacy over all things, including salvation. We also look at the Christians response to this salvation – faithful living under the rule of Christ.

Race Grace

It’s Not About Race — It’s About Grace

A sermon addressing the issue of racism in our society. We are all one in Christ Jesus.
Gospel of Grace

Galatians: The Gospel of Grace

An expository series through the book of Galatians, stressing the absolute grace of God in our salvation, as well as a strong awareness of the dangers of legalism.
God In The Dry Places

Theology In Practice

This series of sermons looks at various Psalms and their implications – not only theologically, but also practically. The Psalms are filled with applicable teachings for Christians through every age and in every situation.

The Hope of Easter

The hope of every Christian is rooted in the bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. These messages speak to this essential truth upon which Christianity stands or falls.


The Birth of Christ

Sermons that focus on the glorious incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Christians Government

Church & State: Christians and Government

Another short series of messages, regarding the Christian’s responsibility and towards civil government. Whether it’s favorable or unfavorable towards the Christian faith, the biblical behavior remains consistent.


For Such A Time As This

A short series that shows the need for Christians to be faithful to the gospel, and not the trends of society, which often cause some to compromise the message.


What's Missing?

American Christianity

This sermon series speaks to the troubling trends among American Evangelicals, and seeks to get back to Biblical Christianity as opposed to the shallow faith that so often passes for it.


Whatever Happened To God?

As Christians, we need to be constantly reminded of the foundational truths of our faith, and the nature of God. This short series speaks to the Trinity, the Image of God, the Person and work of Christ, as well as of the Holy Spirit.

Book of James

Towards Maturity

The Book of James challenges each Christian regarding the outworking of true faith in our lives. This series serves to provide benchmarks for our maturity in Christ.


The Church

This series deals with the foundational marks of the true church, including worship, the sacraments, and leadership.